Saturday, April 23, 2016

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Benefits of Walking For Health

Walking for health
Walking for health should not be as difficult as it may sound to many because walking is the most common form of physical action carried out by everyone of all incomes, ages and education levels. This is because first it is fun, easily incorporated into daily schedules, easy and relaxing.

It should be our goal to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps on daily basis. We naturally walk between 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day so reaching 10,000 isn't as intimidating as it sounds. If you can simply walk fast for a few minutes that is not a problem. Take your time do not overdo it on your first couple day. You walk can be broken up into chunks, 10 minutes at a time, as long as you are doing your walking at a reasonable intensity you will be fine. A walking for health program should begin steadily and gradually increase in pace. After a few days, when you are ready, start walking a little faster and faster. Towards the end of each walking session, progressively reduce your walking pace then cool down. In order to improve your flexibility each session should be finished off with gentle stretches. From walking the dog, walking to the shops, walking to work or organizing group walks make each and every step you take count.

Start or join a walking club with family, friends or coworkers and make fun walking for health fitness plans for your outings. This will make you more enthusiastic, less anxious, and generally more relaxed about walking. It is also preferably to go for walks in a natural setting as walking will help you to get away from a stressful day. Walking has showed people that they do not have to go to the gym to be fit and healthy.

Benefits of Walking for Health

Walking lifts your bum muscles (glutes) gives definition to your calves, quads and hamstrings. Remember to pay keen attention to your posture form while walking this enable you to also tone your abs and waist. Adding the extra challenge of walking up a hill will make walking even more effective.

You should walk every day to walk yourself into a state of well-being and walk yourself away from every sickness. Regularly walking will tone your muscles, toughen your bones, and trim your waist. It will decrease the threat of some cancers other chronic diseases. Walking improves your mood and lowers your risk of depression. 

Finally walking is also a good way to meet new people and connect with people.  It helps to make your community better. Research has found that as people take to the streets walking, there is a reduction in crime rates in communities and an improvement in local economies. Walking will promote better communication, reduce behavior problems, and increase academic performance, so after dinner take a walk with your children you will notice the benefits.

Boost your health by walking for health. Whether you walk on a treadmill, take a hike or speed walk it is all good for your health. A walking for health tips includes adding some healthy competition to your walk routine. While walking down the road or trail imagine the persons in front of you are obstacles you have to overcome. Now concentrate on walking fast enough to overtake the persons one by one. So get up and walk.

Image courtesy of digitalart at

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