Preventing overweight and obesity is very important because
obesity is a big risk factors for a number of chronic (life style) diseases
such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity was once only considered
an issue in high income nations however overweight and obesity is now on the
rise in developing and underdeveloped countries.
The risk of developing many mental and physical disorders is
increased with obesity. These conditions are most commonly shown in illnesses such
as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and respiratory diseases.
Causes of Obesity - Disproportionate food consumption, lack of
physical activity, and hereditary susceptibility is the causes of obesity for
the most part. However, medications, endocrine disorders, or mental illnesses
have also caused obesity in many cases. Body fat and obesity is difficult to measure
and quantify. The BMI (body mass index) is a common scheme of outlining a
healthy weight. With waist size, it is used as a guide to approximate the
amount of body fat on a person’s body.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are seeing Adult diabetes (Type 2), cardiovascular disease and depression in kids and teenagers. The length of time an individual is obese the more the risk of experience obesity related illnesses. The prevention of obesity is very important because of various reasons. These include the fact that there are many chronic diseases and conditions connected with obesity, and also because obesity is difficult to treat.
Avoiding obesity is vital. When fat cells are formed they stay in the human body forever. It is possible to reduce the size of fat cells but they cannot be gotten rid of them. Making healthy lifestyle decisions will help you avoid or reduce overweight and obesity. These lifestyle choices begin during childhood. Parents should embolden children to make healthier decisions, which should include eating healthy diet and being physically active. So encourage your kids to play. This will go a far way in prevent obesity in children.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are seeing Adult diabetes (Type 2), cardiovascular disease and depression in kids and teenagers. The length of time an individual is obese the more the risk of experience obesity related illnesses. The prevention of obesity is very important because of various reasons. These include the fact that there are many chronic diseases and conditions connected with obesity, and also because obesity is difficult to treat.
Avoiding obesity is vital. When fat cells are formed they stay in the human body forever. It is possible to reduce the size of fat cells but they cannot be gotten rid of them. Making healthy lifestyle decisions will help you avoid or reduce overweight and obesity. These lifestyle choices begin during childhood. Parents should embolden children to make healthier decisions, which should include eating healthy diet and being physically active. So encourage your kids to play. This will go a far way in prevent obesity in children.
Tips to Prevent Obesity
Make the following health goals:
- Practice healthy eating choices.
- Always keep in mind your calorie needs.
- Pay attention to portion size especially at fast food and other restaurants. Portions sizes served at these places are usually enough for two or three people. The portion sizes for children and infants should be smaller than those of older teenagers and adults.
- Be active. Put aside time to make personal and family time together very active. Carry out activities that everyone will love. Such as taking visits to the beach or to the park.
- Decrease screen time. Reduce the use of the television, phone, tablet, computers, DVDs, and video games because they drastically reduce time for physical activity due to their addictive nature.
- Use a fitness diary. Keep a record of your weight, BMI, and waist circumference.
- Keep track of your children's development.
Obesity is a condition being experienced by individuals of all ages including infants.
The longer infants are breastfed, reduces the likelihood that they will become
overweight as they grow into childhood and adolescence. Breastfed kids are less
probable to become overweight and obese.
Walking is one of the most common and highly recommended physical activities for individual to take part in. It is totally free and can be done in any areas, parks and can even be done in shopping centers. Why gym can be good it is not necessary to visit an expensive gym, pool or any other special sporting facilities to be physically active. Walking is an easy simple way to start.
Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat and Ohmega1982 at
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