The recommended sugar intake for each person will vary based
on various factors such as age, gender, country and culture. Before we go
further into this lets first define sugar. Naturally found in most plants
especially beet and sugarcane, sugar is a carbohydrate. It usually goes through
a process of refinement where it is crystalizes and made available for
After refinement sugar is added to processed food. If you
look at labels of these items sugar are usually the ingredients ending with “ose,”
for example maltose and sucrose. Other types of sugar include high fructose
corn syrup, molasses, corn sweetener, raw sugar, syrup, honey and fruit juice
Why include Sugar in your Diet
Sugars are usually added to food or in drinks to help
enhance it. Sugar improves the taste of foods that provide important nutrients
such as cereal and yogurt or low fat milk. This has help in the development of
the human body especially in kids. Sugar function as the chief source of energy
for your body. When sugar is consumes it is easily digested and gives the body
an instant burst of energy. Sports drinks (energy drinks) and soft drinks are loaded
with calories and sugar in an attempt to replace all the lost energy after a physical
activity. However, water is recommended to be the main source of hydration especially
for children after physical activities.
Why your recommended sugar intake should be that of a small amount?
Individuals who ingest a smaller amount of sugars over a
period of time usually have lower body weight. So increasing the amount of
sugar in your meals is like to be associated with your weight increase. Studies
have also showed that kids with higher non-natural sugar intakes especially in
drinks are more susceptible to becoming overweight or obese. Also keep in mind
that a product that has no fruit or milk products in the ingredients is usually
sweetened 100% by unnatural added sugars.
Also a recommended sugar intake of a small amount is also
important because large sugar consumption over time can lead to sugar
addiction. Sugar addiction is the addiction associated with the bingeing,
withdrawal and craving of sugar. Some researchers posit that ingestion of
sweets and other forms of sugar could induce a heroin like addiction effect.
Sugar is very beneficial because the human body requires
sugar in the diet for strength and energy in order to carry out daily
activities. In spite of the fact that sugar can result in weight gain and various
disorders, it cannot be denied that sugar gives the body instant energy. Regrettably,
this initial burst of energy is usually followed by a fall in energy levels.
This fall in energy levels often leaves you hungry and craving more sugar and
food. This causes you to eat more thus growing your calorie intake.
Sugar is definitely important in each and every diet because
of its obvious benefits, but surplus sugar intake may lead to many serious
health problems and diseases. The recommended sugar intake of a small
amount also prevents sugar that is consumed beyond the needed amount from been
converted to fat and stored under the skin and around internal organs. To
reduce your likelihood of experiencing these difficulties, enjoy foods and
drinks with added sugar in moderation and make an attempt to consume more
natural occurring sugars.
Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius and Mister GC Photography at
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